Science is observing and investigating to learn about the world."I love science because I like doing practical investigations," - Year 3At St Ann’s Heath, we believe that science is for everyone. We aim to provide a curriculum that fosters and nurtures our children’s curiosity about the world around them and the wider universe. We believe that inspiring science lessons provide our children with awe and wonder moments which develops further interest and understanding for both now and in their future lives. At the heart of our progressive science curriculum is scientific investigation: we intend to deliver lessons where children learn through varied systematic investigations, leading to them being equipped for life to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them. |
- Prepare our children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world today and in the future.
- Equip our children with knowledge, skills and understanding outlined in the Science National Curriculum.
- Nurture children’s curiosity about the world around them and inspire future scientists.
- Promote scientific enquiry and ensure our children are taught the skills they need to find out more about the world and how it works.
- Provide practical experiences to encourage and explore areas of science.
- Recognise working scientifically skills and use these in science lessons and any application of science.
- Teaching comprehensively covers the objectives outlined in the national curriculum for science.
- Kapow national curriculum mapping shows which units cover each of the national curriculum attainment targets as well as each of the strands.
- The Kapow curriculum ensures a balanced and thorough exploration of scientific concepts, skills, and knowledge.
- Meaningful links to the creative curriculum are established whenever possible. In cases where this isn't feasible, units of learning are taught discretely, ensuring a comprehensive coverage of scientific content.
- Skills, knowledge, and vocabulary are systematically mapped on progression documents. These documents serve as guides for teachers, supporting planning and ensuring a coherent and progressive delivery of the science curriculum.
- The curriculum is meticulously planned and sequenced to provide children with substantive knowledge and vocabulary.
- Learning is scaffolded appropriately to meet the needs of all children including those with SEND.
- Sequencing ensures that children acquire the foundational understanding necessary for subsequent projects e.g. Forces is taught before Earth and Space in Y5.
- Children are taught disciplinary knowledge, enabling them to understand and explore the knowledge they acquire.
- Emphasis is placed on developing skills that allow students to work scientifically, fostering an enquiry-based approach to learning.
- Children engage in scientific investigations, including predicting, planning, making observations, concluding, and presenting findings.
- Science-specific language is emphasised, and children are encouraged to articulate their understanding using precise vocabulary, observations, and diagrams.
- In each year group, children are encouraged to draw upon their previous knowledge. This approach allows for the building and expansion of knowledge, creating a foundation for understanding new concepts.
- Children are prompted to make links between their existing knowledge and new concepts. This process aids in cementing new ideas into their long-term memory, promoting a deep and lasting understanding of scientific principles.
- The curriculum offers children the opportunity to question new concepts and carry out investigations.
The impact of our science curriculum is assessed through the following methods:
- Book looks
- Analysis of planning skeletons
- Learning walks
- Curriculum reviews
- Pupil voice
- Pupil voice shows that children feel confident to talk about their learning in science.
- Children are equipped with the skills to initiate the discovery of answers independently, fostering a self-directed approach to learning.
- Children appreciate past developments in science, viewing science knowledge as an ongoing process.
- Children use appropriate scientific language to explain their knowledge.
- Emphasis is placed on effective communication, allowing students to articulate their understanding with precision.
- Children identify and apply working scientifically skills.
- Children recognise the role and importance of science in today's world.
- By the end of KS2, most children are working at age-related expectations.
- Children feel confident to ask questions and suggest answers, using scientific vocabulary.